Monday, 4 December 2006

Toff luck Cameron

..goes the story on page 6 of the Daily Mirror today. It claims "Hard-working families are sick of his glib phrases and soundbites.." And the Daily Mirror never goes for glib? More to the point hard-working families continue to be the worst hit by Labour policies and I'm afraid it's how it goes in politics that only when the politicians get sick and tired of saying it, does the message start to go in.

Other views of Cameron's first year as Leader:
Be a leader not a brand - says the Daily Mail
Cameron is failing to provide real opposition - says the Daily Express
Conservatives have mountain to climb - says the Independent
..he buys his suits at M&S - The Daily Telegraph discloses

My favourite of them all, The daily mail - Tories open 9% lead on Labour

If Cameron were doing that badly, I don't think there would be all this media interest in his first year as leader, do you?

1 comment:

Serf said...

There would be interest, but it would be different.

Current headlines
.... he's not all he's cracked up to be...

Headlines if he were not 9% ahead
....Another Tory failure....