Monday, 4 December 2006

Drug Education

The news that Pete Doherty (on-off rock star boyfriend of Kate Moss) has been fined £770 for possession of drugs highlights a massive problem that Britain is facing. We can't just blame the cool image of drugs these rock stars promote but the police and media also need to be held to account.
The Conservatives policy on crime should include the proposal to ban the use of images showing how to use drugs. I am not a drug addict, I have never tried heroine but I would know what to do with it if I came across some. How? Because I've seen it on the news! I've seen it in films and on documentaries!!

We can rule out the film industry from this proposal because they rate their films for appropriate audiences. News reports however should not feature pictures of addicts preparing to use or using drugs. Kids don't get a manual when they score for the first time, they follow someone else or they make it up using knowledge they've acquired through the television and internet. This is drug education in the wrong sense!

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